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How To Calculate Scores in the DoIT Golf League

We often get many questions about how the matches are scored. The existing rules are confusing and somewhat incomplete and in a few cases they don't reflect how the scores have been calculated for many years.

In order to clear up a lot of these questions, I put together a bunch of examples to show how the scores are actually calculated. Since many of the cases are not actually covered in the rules, Steve Wilcox and myself, with some help from Jim Sporer and others, had to re-invent a few minor things along the way. We hope that everyone will now find the scoring a lot less confusing!

The handicap percentage has been changed from 80% to 90%. Most of these examples are still using the 80% handicap.

Explanation of how the points for a match are calculated:

Case 1: Everyone plays, no subs

  • The winner of each matchup is the person with the lowest net score.
  • Both Gary and Sara have not played in the league before, so neither of them has an established handicap. In that case, their score for that day is their average, and that is used to caluculate their handicaps. (59 - 36) * .9 = 20.7 which rounds to 21
  • Gary and Sara tied so they split the point.
  • Mark's net score is lower than Tom's so he wins the point.
  • The winner of the team point is the team with the lowest total net score. Team 15 has a net score of 75 and Team 16 has a net score of 83, so Team 15 gets the point.
  • Team 15: 2.5 points
  • Team 16: 0.5 points
Team 15      1
Team 16      0

Case 2: One or more players has a sub

  • Rule I.D.4.: Subs play against the opponent that the permanent member was scheduled to play.
  • Jim V. played for Jim S. Jim V. had an established handicap of 6.
  • If a sub does not have an established handicap then their score is used as their average to compute the handicap.
  • Team 01: 1 point
  • Team 02: 2 points
Team 01      0
Jim S.(Jim V.)jjs(jjv)6(6)44(43)45390
Team 02      1

Case 3: No-show

  • Brad could not play and could not find a sub.
  • Scott plays against his average +3. He shot a 49 so he lost his individual point.
  • Team 08 automatically gets half of the team point because of the no-show.
  • The other half of the team point is calculated as if Brad shot his average +3, so Team 07's total net score is 93 and Team 08 wins with 82.
  • Team 07: 0 points
  • Team 08: 2 points
Team 07      0
Brian Cbkc155563480
Team 08      .5+.5
Brian Kb3k64345391

Case 4: Two no-shows on opposite teams

  • Jeff and Randy were unable to play or find a sub.
  • Stefan and Jon will play against their averages +3 for 1 individual point each.
  • If Stefan and Jon had been scheduled to play each other then they would play for one individual point and the other individual point would not be awarded.
  • Their partners' averages +3 are used to calculate the team point.
  • Only half of the team point is awarded to the team with the lowest total net score.
  • Team 09: 1 point
  • Team 10: 1.5 points
Team 09      0
Team 10      .5

Case 5: Two no-shows on the same team

  • The players on the team who showed up play against their averages for the individual points.
  • The team who showed up automatically gets half a team point.
  • The team who showed up is awarded the other half of the team point if their total net score is lower than the net score of the other team if they had shot their averages +3.

Case 6: Three no-shows!

  • The player who shows up plays against his average +3 for his individual point.
  • That player's team automatically gets half of the team point.
  • The other half of the team point is awarded to that player's team if, assuming all other players shot their averages, the player's team has the lowest total net score.

Case 7: 1/4 points?

  • Annette did not play so Jon shot against his average +3 and lost.
  • Bernie won her match against Randy to earn 1 point.
  • Half a point is automatically awarded to Jon and Randy.
  • Both teams have a net score of 81, so they split the other half of the team point.
  • Team 14: 1.25 points
  • Team 10: .75 points
Team 14      .25
Team 10      .5 + .25

Case 8: No Opponents (Odd number of teams)

  • The players play against their averages +3 for the individual points.
  • The team plays against it's total average +6 for the team point.
  • Team 15: 2.5 points
  • Note: This is not the same scoring as Case 5.
Team 15      1
Rickrp294748 1
Jimjeh115053 .5
Place HolderplhN/AN/A  
Place Holder2pl2N/AN/A  

If you have questions or suggestions for the website email Kevin or Annette.