2024 Tournament Results

Individual Tournament results:

1st place: Bill Gardner (42-44; net 64) (Bill came in 2nd last year – I guess he likes tournament play)
2nd: Steve Wilcox (45-45; net 66)
3rd: Sandee Seiberlich (51-60; net 67)
4th (tie):
Carl Cappabianca (39-39, net 70)
Dave Schulte (46-50; net 70)

Best overall scores (subs not eligible for prizes):

Carl (39-39) ; 78
Noah Cagnazzo (40-38) ; 78
Colin Scott (38-43) ; 81
Brian Longfield (42-42) ; 84
Bill Gardner (42-44) ; 86
Andy Craven (44-43) ; 87
Joe I-B (42-45) ; 87

2024 Swanson Memorial Scramble

Time Player 1  Player 2   Player 3   Player 4

3:10 1st Place (tie at -2) Brian Longfield;   Bill Gardner;   Bruce Olson;   Bill Utzig

3:20 1st Place (tie at -2) Rick Post;   Jeff Lamont;   Pauli Ryan;   Joe Stoll

3:30 3rd Place (tie at +0) Carl Cappabianca;   Gary Northey;  Rick Smith;   Jim Shaft

3:40 3rd Place (tie at +0) Andy Craven;   Collin Alexander;   John Krogman;   Terry Emmrich

3:50 Jim Sporer;   Tom Klubertanz;   Dave Schulte;   Sandee Seiberlich

4:00 Joe Infusino-Braun;   Steve Wilcox;   Annette Stratman-Durrer;   Kevin Kettner

4:10 Bruce Labuda;   Owen Stoughton;   Steve Freitag;   Howard Hamre

2023 DoIT Golf League Champions

2023 Tournament Results

Great day for the league tournament yesterday at Prairie Woods

Thanks much to Rick Post for organizing things with the course!

2023 Champs
Bruce Olson and Howard Hamre

Bruce Olson and Howard Hamre beat Andy Craven and Jeff Lamont for the 2023 league championship.

Here are the scores:

Bruce: 54-51 ; net 81
Howard: 58-50 ; net 76
Andy: 45-45 ; net 79
Jeff: 52-53 ; net 85

Total: 157 to 164

Congrats to Bruce and Howard!

For the individual tournament prizes:

1st place: Rick Post 39-42; net 59
2nd: Bill Gardner 47-43; net 66
3rd: Steve Wilcox 44-43; net 67
4th: Mike Camilleri 53-42; net 69
5th: tie: Rick Smith 50-49; net 71
Bruce Labuda 46-43; net 71

Other interesting tidbits:

Overall Low Scores:

1st: Rick Post 39-42; 81
2nd: Joe Infusino-Braun 42-42; 84
3rd: Steve Wilcox 44-43; 87
4th: Brian Longfield 42-46; 88
5th: tie; Bruce Labuda 46-43; 89
Andy Craven 45-44; 89

Point totals:

Andy and Jeff won the first half with 18 points. They then came in last for the 2nd round with 6 points.

Bruce and Howard won the 2nd round with 21 points. That is the highest point total since 2005 (Tom Scott and George Pasdirtz also had 21 that year). 24 points is the highest total possible.

Total points (1st round plus 2nd round);

1st: Steve and Terry 36.5 points (that and $5 get you a cup of coffee)
2nd; Bruce and Howard 31.5 points
3rd: Carl and Dave 29.5 points

Best scores at Pleasant View this year (from regular members):

Carl; 34, 37, 39
Andy;  37
Brian;  37, 38, 39
Dave Bell;  38, 39

Another great year in the books.

Thanks as always to Annette for handling the league finances and communication with Pleasant View.

Hope to see everyone back next year!
