Matchup details for 2009-07-28

These matchups are not valid until the scores from the previous week have been entered.
Top players for each team play each other, ie: top vs top, bottom vs bottom.
Click the tee-time for a printable score card.

Matchup 1: 03:28:00

Team 05     
Jon Goodyearjrg947  
Randy Schmirlerrzs947  
Team 09     
David Schultesdv1048  
Jim Shaftsft1453  

Matchup 2: 03:36:00

Team 12     
Annette Stratmanaks1251  
Sandee Seiberlichsss1858  
Team 07     
Jim Hallenjeh1049  
Rick Postrp21048  

Matchup 3: 03:44:00

Team 06     
Steve Freitagsjf1048  
Joe Stolljoe1049  
Team 13     
Andy Cravenac1745  
Brendan Giesebg11048  

Matchup 4: 03:52:00

Team 16     
Jake Simonj9s441  
Kevin Kettnerkk71656  
Team 11     
Sara Tatest11555  
Tom Klubertanztk11859  

Matchup 5: 04:00:00

Team 01     
Brian Longfieldbpl542  
Jim Sporerjjs542  
Team 15     
Luke Nelsonlnl643  
John Welshj1w2061  

Matchup 6: 04:08:00

Team 04     
Jim Vanevenhovenjjv643  
Clark Jonescmj1049  
Team 10     
Mark Miskomi9644  
Gary Northeygjn1251  

Matchup 7: 04:16:00

Team 14     
Jamie Buchananjab1352  
Brian Curleybkc1858  
Team 03     
Colin Scottcs9643  
Steve Wilcoxsww1454  

Matchup 8: 04:24:00

Team 08     
Mason Hoeftm9h340  
Bob Ashrga1453  
Team 02     
Nick Blairn1b542  
Steve Tanners4t1150  

Active Subs in the 2009 Season:

Jim Backusj1b441  
Andy Baconab1340  
Casey Hoeftcgh644  
Brian Kishterb3k643  
Mike Klunemqk1150  
Mitch Lundquistm1l238  
Dennis Rittd1r1049  
John Staleysta846  
Karl Stollks11150  
Tom Tabonett1947  
Craig Torkcat1049  
Doug Woodworthddw1757