Matchup details for 2005-08-16

These matchups are not valid until the scores from the previous week have been entered.
Top players for each team play each other, ie: top vs top, bottom vs bottom.
Click the tee-time for a printable score card.

Matchup 1: 03:28:00

Team 11     
Sandee Seiberlichsss1858  
Chris Luptoncly3479  
Team 13     
Jon Goodyearjrg947  
Dale Ottdao1352  

Matchup 2: 03:36:00

Team 14     
Annette Stratmanaks1352  
Bernie Schroederbqs1757  
Team 05     
Jim Hallenjeh947  
Dan Thoftnedat1352  

Matchup 3: 03:44:00

Team 10     
Colin Scottcs9542  
Steve Wilcoxsww1352  
Team 02     
Jeff Savoysvy1555  
Stefan Wahesw71656  

Matchup 4: 03:52:00

Team 09     
Jake Simonj9s441  
Kevin Kettnerkk71555  
Team 07     
Rick Postrp2947  
Brian Curleybkc1555  

Matchup 5: 04:00:00

Team 04     
Dave Petersondwp239  
Jerry Gerberjwg1048  
Team 06     
George Pasdirtzgwp239  
Tom Scotttjs441  

Matchup 6: 04:08:00

Team 17     
Mason Hoeftm9h745  
Bob Ashrga2365  
Team 01     
Jim Sporerjjs542  
Brian Longfieldbpl643  

Matchup 7: 04:16:00

Team 12     
Steve Freitagsjf846  
Joe Stolljoe1150  
Team 15     
Nick Blairn1b643  
Steve Tanners4t1352  

Matchup 8: 04:24:00

Team 16     
Scott Schultzstz441  
Brian Kishterb3k542  
Team 08     
Clark Jonescmj947  
Paul Schroederpcs1048  

Active Subs in the 2005 Season:

Jeff Gilljg1846  
Bob Gleisnerbob846  
Doug Grunowdag1150  
Casey Hoeftcgh1352  
Klara Jelinkovak9j4086  
Dan Machotkadog745  
Peter Mannpm21454  
Dan Marleaudan542  
Ron Milfordrqm2669  
John Naglerj6n1352  
Nick Rifeljnjr1049  
Randy Schmirlerrzs846  
John Staleysta1352  
Karl Stollks1644  
Andy Taylorat31049  
Jim Vanevenhovenjjv643  
Jim Wernerjim1656